Welcome to Astra Nova, an extraordinary venture born from the innovation hub of SpaceX. Astra Nova is not just an online school;
it is an experimental haven designed for kind, independent, and daring young minds aged 10-14, available to students worldwide.
As the successor to the renowned Ad Astra, Astra Nova stands as a non-profit online institution founded by visionaries Elon Musk and
Joshua Dahn, nestled within the dynamic campus of SpaceX.

14’56’02 ASTRA NOVA | Kepler (M57) 2023.08

The uniqueness of Ad Astra lay not just in its association with SpaceX and Elon Musk, but in its freedom to pioneer education without the constraints of conventional structures or mandated curricula. The school was a testament to a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: to design a learning environment from first principles, driven only by the directive from Elon Musk to "make it great."


From the crucible of challenges and opportunities arose Astra Nova, representing the next frontier in STEM education. More than just an evolution of its predecessor,
Astra Nova embodies the spirit of innovation and creativity. As we embark on this journey, we invite you to join us in revolutionizing education, where boundaries are shattered, and learning knows no limits.